rAVe pubs announce “a New Kind of Doorway”

Our partnership with pOrtal made the headlines recently, with rAVe quick to focus on this exciting new project that sees 11 ton outdoor video art installations uniting people across time and space.
Currently in-place in two European cities, there will be new sites going live soon and exciting advances using Video Window technology to help make the experience even more immersive.

The combined humanitarian vision of pOrtal “reminding us we are inseparably connected” and Video Window’s success in uniting the hybrid office, removing physical boundaries and helping remote workers stay in touch, has also evolved into an exciting new corporate sponsorship program.
Corporate sponsorship will allow forward-thinking organizations to “give back” to their community and to humanity, whilst utilizing a unique branding opportunity which puts them at the forefront of this pioneering technology which has just one aim: to help people everywhere feel connected.

You can see the full article here:
Video Window’s pOrtal Opens a New Kind of Doorway Thanks to Benediktas Gylys Foundation Partnership