Video Window & Merge Communications continue to create happy hybrid workplaces
We’ve all reassessed the value of interpersonal relationships and communication in these remarkable times. Businesses all throughout New Zealand are being helped by Video Window and Merge Communications in connecting and competing in the growing hybrid workplace.
According to a 2023 prediction from Hays New Zealand, hybrid workplaces will continue to expand and managers must develop their leadership skills in this new work setting. Hybrid working is here to stay. In order to manage employees in this new era of work and be able to balance those who choose to work in the office and those who choose to work remotely, business leaders and senior managers in particular will need to upgrade their skills. Managers must learn how to effectively handle hybrid working because it is a permanent trend. In relation to hybrid working, office space may potentially become less necessary if more employees choose to work remotely.
Importantly, the technology businesses use to communicate, collaborate and create will need a total rethink from a connectivity and integration viewpoint. Secure video conferencing, intelligent touch screens and panels with Bluetooth and wifi will change how we work together.
Enter the Video Window technology. The distance between remote workers and office teams can be filled by Video Window. It offers a glimpse into another environment and allows all employees, regardless of their location, to engage in casual interactions. It promotes well-being and improves teamwork. Simply put, Video Window dissolves barriers, allowing coworkers to feel connected and as though they are peering through a window to view one another.
Video Window features excellent capabilities for group whiteboarding and connects effortlessly with meeting (and other) software. It is, however, much more than just a tool for meetings. It is the only “always on” option created for public spaces, where it can encourage the “water-cooler” discussions that keep coworkers in touch and “visible” by their peers.
Video Window, was designed specifically for common areas to allow instant communications for teams who work closely together or for coffee cup chats, to remove physical boundaries and let users feel as though they are looking through a window to the other locations.
Merge Communications have launched the Video Window technology in New Zealand. Merge Communications continually watches the world’s leading digital technologies to ensure its clients have the best and latest communications and digital tools to give them confidence that their business and people can always be communicating and connected.
Merge Communications is the official distributor of Video Window in New Zealand.
Merge Communications uses Video Window as part of its end-to-end solution for communications and digital technologies. They are dedicated to providing converged communications solutions for New Zealand’s businesses.